Help bring clean water to 50,000 people.


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Riley Goodfellow
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
At the age of 8, I found out that (at the time) 5,000 children died a day due to unclean drinking water - inspiring me to do something about it. From eating rice and beans for a month straight, to carrying a jug of water for a mile, I would do anything to get people clean water. It has been a while since my last campaign but this issue is important now, more than ever before. Join me in raising money for those who are less fortunate, anything helps!
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Lifetime Impact
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Riley's community
123 comments · 205 donations
Top Donations

  • 1
    Giant Impact, LLC
  • 2
    Erin J. Riley
  • 3
    Blake and Sarah Goodfellow
  • 4
    Sarah Goodfellow
  • 5
    Kinzi Herron
Past campaigns
Not so little Tiny Hero
Ended Dec 31, 2021
Raised $1,469
The Riley and Tyler Project
Ended Dec 31, 2016
Raised $2,000
Riley's 13th Birthday
Ended Dec 31, 2014
Raised $5,063
The Riley Project Dos
Ended Jun 29, 2013
Raised $605
The Catalyst Well
Ended Jan 18, 2011
Raised $5,000
Beans & Rice Crew
Ended Jul 20, 2010
Raised $5,000.37
The 4:12 Project
Ended Apr 10, 2010
Raised $5,500.56