Max Cable
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
2x Marathon 2x HTC 1x CLR for clean water! Spring member since 2016.
Member since
Est. people served
Lifetime Impact
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Max's community
73 comments · 114 donations
  • Max CableSpring
    posted an update to Max x Cascade Lakes Relay 
    8 months ago

    Hi all! Hoping that sending a message this way will include my (very gracious) anonymous donors as well!

    Thank you all again for your extremely generous donations! Together we raised almost $1700 - which will go to $2000+ after the Nike match comes in. That’s over 50 people that will gain access to clean water!! As a CLR team, we hit $7600 in total - now we’re talking almost TWO HUNDRED people that will have permanent clean water!!!!

    Our CLR team also kicked butt racing through the mountains! It took us right around 36 hours, as we braved super hot temps, altitude, and the singularly fiercest mosquitos I’ve ever encountered (I alone scored 40+ bites). But we did it! I managed to jump in three different (very cold) bodies of water along the way too. It was an absolute blast, and the entire team really got into the spirit of using this crazy adventure to also fundraise for an incredible mission. And we would not be able to do it without fantastic supporters like you!

    Looking forward to whatever next year’s running adventure for clean water will bring!

  • C
    donated $100 to Max x Cascade Lakes Relay 
    9 months ago

    Happy bday

  • A
    donated $100 to Max x Cascade Lakes Relay 
    9 months ago

    Go Max and team!

  • T
    donated $20 to Max x Cascade Lakes Relay 
    9 months ago

    Have a good run!

  • A
    Anonymous donated $15.90 to Max x Cascade Lakes Relay
    9 months ago
Top Donations

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
    Stacy and DeLaine Russell
  • 5
    Bruce and Christina Cable
Past campaigns
Max x Cascade Lakes Relay
Ended Jun 30, 2024
Raised $1,680.90
Max runs HTC '23 for clean water!
Ended Dec 31, 2023
Raised $2,680
Max Races Hood to Coast '22
Ended Dec 31, 2022
Raised $1,210
Max runs the '21 NYC Marathon
Ended Nov 14, 2021
Raised $4,246.20
Ended Dec 31, 2020
Raised $1,975.20
Max's 28th Birthday
Ended Sep 30, 2017
Raised $680