Flora Blissett

Seven Sisters Half Marathon - Flora

organized by Flora Blissett

I am running the Endurancelife Sussex Half Marathon (//www.endurancelife.com/sussex). Please help me give the gift of clean water. 100% of donations goes to providing safe water.





Why Flora is fundraising for clean water

charity:water gives 100% of donations to providing clean water to people needing it via grass roots initiatives and sustainable infrastructures.
The knock-on effects of not having clean water are wide-reaching and horrifying. Illness and disease. A restriction of opportunities for women and children. Think about it: would you have time for school and your own job if you had to walk miles every day to an unclean well?
I joined charity:water's 'Spring' in 2021 after being part of a group fundraiser event: OxForWater 100km in 10 days. I ran, but also researched the charity. I immediately signed up to give monthly and every time I sign up for a run event I use it as an opportunity to raise awareness and money for this fundamental cause. See founder Scott Harrison's video for more info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdBG5VO01e0

Help me reach my target of £450 please - thank you for your support!

Recent activity + updates
18 comments · 31 donations
Flora pinned an update

Woohooo run completed! Beautiful day yesterday for the Endurance Life Sussex Half Marathon along the Seven Sisters. Thank you everyone for your support to charity:water! As with all long and challenging runs, I set out for a fun time, not a fast time. But let's just say that on for a run on IWD, I am very happy with my result and placement overall (men & women): 82nd out of 206. I could not have finished this run or had as much fun along the course without your fundraising support - thank you!

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Past campaigns
Flora and Olly: Jungfrau Half Marathon
Ended 1 Oct 2023
Raised £350