I'm sorry we're late but I think this is so wonderful -- You're existence is amazing and we wish you another happy healthy year of life (and many to come!!)
This is for all of the people who donated. I promised to match the donations up to the $2900 target. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this campaign and participated in bringing water to different corners of the earth. It's a beautiful project that will help many people like Shaddy all over the world! #forevergrateful
Happy Birthday Eriquita!!
Birthday presents - Shmirthday presents!
This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2016 Erica Virvo brought clean water to Laminokwera.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Give Clean Water...for my birthday
This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2015 Erica Virvo brought clean water to Gerebshafa.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Just $30 - Give One Person Clean Water!
This campaign closed on Mar 31, 2015 Erica Virvo brought clean water to Tene 8.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Just $35 - Give One Person Clean Water!
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2014 Erica Virvo brought clean water to Kombori Kouna f2.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
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