This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2015 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.
organized by U-Pick Video Game Marathon
Help U-Pick Video Game Marathon give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.
We're playing out the water crisis, one video game at a time. You pick the games, we play 'em.
TL;DR: Donate, pick a game from this list: and leave the name of the game in your comment. Then watch June 12th-14th to see if the Wheel of Destiny lands on your game!
For 48 hours in mid-June, Stephonee, Grant, and the rest of the crew at the U-Pick Video Game Marathon for Charity will play the games selected by our donors and broadcast a live-stream of all the gameplay!
100% of everything we raise will directly fund water projects in Uganda. And when those projects are finished, charity: water will send you proof in pictures and GPS coordinates, so you can see the actual people and communities you impacted.
How your donation picks the video games we play:
1) Pick a game from this list:
2) Donate as much as you want on this page! Leave the name of the game you picked as a comment on your donation. $1 = 1 point for the game you name.
3) Watch the broadcast on from 8pm June 12th - 8pm June 14th (Eastern time) to see us play games. (Preshow: Friday June 12th at 7pm Eastern)
4) Profit!
Help out even more by sharing and following us on social media:
And tune in Sundays at 4pm (Eastern) for special fun-filled rehearsal broadcasts:
We love you Cyndi!
This campaign brought clean water to Aluka West, Uganda and 1 other project.
#WorldWaterDay U-Pick Game-a-Thon
This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2016 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
UPickVG 5: The Live Game-a-thon
This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2016 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Project Purity: Fallout for Clean Water
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2015 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
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UPickVG IV - Video Game Marathon
This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2015 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
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Herpy Berfday, Founders!
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2014 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
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U-Pick Video Game Marathon 2013
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2013 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
100% of the money raised by this campaign is being used to bring clean water to help those in need. In 21 months we’ll be able to show you exactly where the money went and who it helped.