This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2015 U-Pick Video Game Marathon brought clean water to Aluka West and 1 other project.

U-Pick Video Game Marathon

UPickVG IV - Video Game Marathon

organized by U-Pick Video Game Marathon

Help U-Pick Video Game Marathon give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why U-Pick Video Game Marathon is fundraising for clean water

We're playing out the water crisis, one video game at a time. You pick the games, we play 'em.

TL;DR: Donate, pick a game from this list: and leave the name of the game in your comment. Then watch June 12th-14th to see if the Wheel of Destiny lands on your game!
For 48 hours in mid-June, Stephonee, Grant, and the rest of the crew at the U-Pick Video Game Marathon for Charity will play the games selected by our donors and broadcast a live-stream of all the gameplay!
100% of everything we raise will directly fund water projects in Uganda. And when those projects are finished, charity: water will send you proof in pictures and GPS coordinates, so you can see the actual people and communities you impacted.
How your donation picks the video games we play:
1) Pick a game from this list:
2) Donate as much as you want on this page! Leave the name of the game you picked as a comment on your donation. $1 = 1 point for the game you name.
3) Watch the broadcast on from 8pm June 12th - 8pm June 14th (Eastern time) to see us play games. (Preshow: Friday June 12th at 7pm Eastern)
4) Profit!
Help out even more by sharing and following us on social media:
And tune in Sundays at 4pm (Eastern) for special fun-filled rehearsal broadcasts:

Recent activity + updates
131 comments · 162 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Aluka West, Uganda and 1 other project.

Well With Hand Pump
Top Donors

  • 1
    James Connor
  • 2
    Jill Ha
  • 3
    Mini Museum
  • 4
    Mini Museum
  • 5
    Gary (knows chloe)
Past campaigns
#WorldWaterDay U-Pick Game-a-Thon
Ended Jun 30, 2016
Raised $4,410
UPickVG 5: The Live Game-a-thon
Ended Jun 30, 2016
Raised $10,097.76
Project Purity: Fallout for Clean Water
Ended Dec 31, 2015
Raised $2,615
UPickVG IV - Video Game Marathon
Ended Jun 30, 2015
Raised $5,453.90
Herpy Berfday, Founders!
Ended Dec 31, 2014
Raised $3,002
U-Pick Video Game Marathon 2013
Ended Dec 31, 2013
Raised $4,134.54