This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2019 Ellie Scouller brought clean water to Tanambao-Mangarivotra.

Ellie Scouller

Ellie 'Worms' Across Tower Bridge

organized by Ellie Scouller

Help Ellie give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.



Why Ellie Scouller is fundraising for clean water

As My charity: water launches in the UK today, I felt it was only right that I kick start the fundraising HYPE, put my money and effort where my big mouth is and do something CRAZY! Because let's remember, the craziest thing we can do is NOTHING!

On that note...I looked through my back catalogue of skills and talents (it was a short ponder) and realised I am CRAZY (okay) at doing the worm....!!

Now, as many of my friends will be quick to chip in at this point, the 'Ellie Scouller Worm' tends to say hello after, perhaps...a little injection of beer. HOWEVER now, for this challenge, I am a 100% professional ATHLETE (I can HEAR YOU LAUGHING).

I am challenging myself to worm across the iconic British landmark that is TOWER BRIDGE!

FACTS: Tower Bridge is 244 meters long. I am 1.70688 meters that's 143.529 times the length of ME. Which according to my questionable mental maths = A LOT OF WORM.

Enough about me and my crazy is WHY I am prepared to be so crazy...

Many of us have no idea what it's like to be thirsty. We have plenty of water to drink -- even the water in our toilets is clean!

But many people around the world don’t have that luxury. Every day, about 1,400 children die from diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are simple solutions like drilled wells, spring protections and BioSand filters that help provide clean water to communities around the world.

I started this fundraising campaign to help charity: water build these types of projects around the world, and I'm looking for anyone who can help me.

Please donate to my campaign -- anything you can give is a huge help.

100% of the money will be used to build clean water projects, and when they’re complete, charity: water will send us photos and GPS coordinates so we can see the exact community we helped.

Recent activity + updates
23 comments · 24 donations
  • Ellie ScoullerSpring
    posted an update to Ellie 'Worms' Across Tower Bridge 
    about 5 years ago

    Hey everyone!

    As my campaign is coming to a close, I wanted to let you all know that I have not forgotten my promise and I WILL be worming.

    Knee surgery (in October) did delay me, but a delay is NOT a cancellation!

    The good news is, your incredibly generous donations are going to the field very soon. I am really excited for you all to see how the reporting works.

    I will keep in touch next year and let you know when I've had worming sign-off.

    Thank you again and have a very Merry Christmas!

    Ellie x

  • Ellie ScoullerSpring
    posted an update to Ellie 'Worms' Across Tower Bridge 
    almost 6 years ago

    Well, wow.

    I am over the moon to say I have had £425 generously donated by all of you guys, thank you SO much! That's 85% of my goal total! I wanted to give a brief update as I am taking my worming promise very seriously.

    As many of you know, I have temporarily inhibited my ability to worm with a knee injury (skiing last month). DO NOT FEAR! The worm will be taking place. But, I will have to delay (originally I was hoping for a June completion date). The exact date will be determined by the MRI/recovery rate, but I think to be sensible (for once), we are looking at September. YIKES.

    I am very sad to not be able to complete it sooner but wanted to reassure you that THE WORM WILL GO ON! The good news is this later date will give me more time to try and secure the Guinness World Record go ahead!

    I will be back in touch with you on Monday 3rd June. This will give the date and the rules I am setting myself for the task.

    Thank you again, your donations amount to 17 people getting access to clean water - and that is amazing.

    Ellie X

  • Pamela D'Arcy
    donated £50 to Ellie 'Worms' Across Tower Bridge 
    almost 6 years ago

    Yay, Ellie! Looking forward to you doin' the worm! :)

  • Makena CunninghamSpring
    Makena Cunningham
    donated £10 to Ellie 'Worms' Across Tower Bridge 
    Editedover 4 years ago

    yaaaas, this is amazing

  • J
    Jimmy Cheung
    donated £10 to Ellie 'Worms' Across Tower Bridge 
    almost 6 years ago

    Don't forget to film your worm!! :)

This campaign brought clean water to Tanambao-Mangarivotra, Madagascar.

Piped System Tap Stand
Top Donors

  • 1
    Pamela D'Arcy
  • 2
  • 3
    Justine Scouller
  • 4
  • 5
    Sarah Wootton
Past campaigns
Ellie 'Worms' Across Tower Bridge
Ended 31 Dec 2019
Raised £425