Chelsea Gribble
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
I joined the charity: water community in 2023 to help end the water crisis. Please consider joining me to support charity: water. 100% of your donation goes to clean water.
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Chelsea's community
13 comments · 14 donations
  • Chelsea Gribble
    posted an update to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    11 months ago

    Excited to share that I reached the summit! 19,341 ft. in just 7 days. Honestly, the toughest yet most fulfilling journey I've ever embarked on. Holy cow, was that intense!

    Once I'm back from Tanzania, I'll be sharing some epic photos and videos. A huge thank you to everyone for your unwavering support and generous contributions to Charity: Water. Your kindness means the world!

  • M
    Melissa Nau donated $200 to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water
    12 months ago
    Chelsea responded

    Melissa, your donation is deeply appreciated! Your unwavering support and enthusiasm for my success has been truly heartening. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • Chelsea Gribble
    posted an update to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    12 months ago

    Fun Facts!

    Kili is the highest point in Africa with an elevation of 19,341 feet (5,895 meters)

    It's the world's highest free-standing mountain, meaning it is not part of a mountain range, which is why the dramatic rise from the surrounding plains is so pronounced!

    It has 5 unique climate zones:
    - Rainforest (2,800 - 9,200 ft): Lush and humid--offers a chance to see monkeys, colorful birds, and vibrant flora.
    - Moorland (9,200 - 13,100 ft): More open with shrubs, heathers, and mosses. Temperatures can drop significantly at night!
    - High Desert (13,100 - 16,400 ft): Sparse vegetation and more extreme temperature fluctuations.
    - Alpine Desert (16,400 - 19,300 ft): A barren landscape with rocks, ice, and some hardy flora. Air gets significantly thinner.
    - Arctic (19,300 ft and above): At the summit, temperatures can be below freezing (-20*F). Characterized by ice fields, glaciers, and the stunning Uhuru Peak.

    + At the summit, the oxygen level is about 50% of what it is at sea level. This makes breathing more laborious

  • Kayla Houchin
    Sonder Bakehouse - Macaron Class 9.24
    donated $200 to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    12 months ago

    Congrats Chelsea! Love your determination.

    Chelsea responded

    I'm moved by your generosity and commitment to the cause. Thank you so much, Kayla!!

  • C
    Curtis,Debbie, Myah and Gavin Gano
    donated $100 to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    12 months ago

    Hugs and support from the Gano's, you got this!!!

    Chelsea responded

    Ganos! Thank you for amplifying the cause with your generous donation! Appreciate your support so much!

Top Donations

  • 1
    Melissa Nau
  • 2
    Sonder Bakehouse - Macaron Class 9.24
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
Past campaigns
Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water
Ended Dec 31, 2023
Raised $1,670