This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2023 This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2023 and $1,670 is hard at work in Bangladesh.

Chelsea Gribble

Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water

organized by Chelsea Gribble

Help Chelsea give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Chelsea Gribble is fundraising for clean water

From Spinal Pain to Mountain Gain: Climbing Kilimanjaro for a Cause

In the summer of 2020, at the peak of the pandemic, I faced one of the more challenging periods of my life. The first time I ever left my apartment since March was on the back of my partner, carrying me downstairs while I was in tears, rushing me to the ER. A blood clot (DVT) had formed in my right leg, which was later identified as part of a larger clotting disorder. As I navigated my apartment on crutches in the subsequent weeks, I began to experience severe lower back pain. A CT scan, initially intended to further investigate the DVT, unexpectedly revealed a pronounced crack in my spine and degenerative tissue between my lower lumbar and sacrum. Due to the severity of my condition, my bones were grinding against each other, leading to debilitating pain and widespread inflammation.

Initially, back surgery was the only option. But, with the healthcare system overwhelmed, it wasn't immediately feasible. I turned to rigorous physical therapy and was prescribed a potent regimen of pain medications. As someone who's long grappled with weight and body image, this limitation in mobility had both a physical and emotional toll. Yet, seeing the far more significant suffering during the pandemic provided perspective. I committed to staying positive, as best I could, and persevere. I worked hard at physical therapy and set milestones to stay motivated, like walking a mile on a flat road, achieved about six months after my first session. In November 2021, I consulted a nutritionist to alleviate some stress on my compromised spine through weight loss. All the while, I held off on surgery, focusing on building core strength to co-exist with my injury.

Fast forward to today—fueled by determination and grit, I’m embarking on an epic adventure in Africa, my favorite continent, to hike Mount Kilimanjaro—the tallest freestanding mountain in the world, spanning 19,341 feet, in 7 days.

This isn't just a personal endeavor, it's a purpose-driven mission. I'm dedicating my climb to Charity: Water, a nonprofit addressing the global water crisis. Before my health challenges, I took my mobility for granted, much like many of us in the US take for granted access to clean water.

I share my story, raw and uncomfortable, in hopes that it resonates, and I invite you to join me in this mission. No one should suffer or lose their life due to a lack of clean water. Whether through donations or spreading the word, your support can make an enormous difference. Together, let's make an impact.

Recent activity + updates
13 comments · 14 donations
  • Chelsea Gribble
    posted an update to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    11 months ago

    Excited to share that I reached the summit! 19,341 ft. in just 7 days. Honestly, the toughest yet most fulfilling journey I've ever embarked on. Holy cow, was that intense!

    Once I'm back from Tanzania, I'll be sharing some epic photos and videos. A huge thank you to everyone for your unwavering support and generous contributions to Charity: Water. Your kindness means the world!

  • M
    Melissa Nau donated $200 to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water
    12 months ago
    Chelsea responded

    Melissa, your donation is deeply appreciated! Your unwavering support and enthusiasm for my success has been truly heartening. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • Chelsea Gribble
    posted an update to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    12 months ago

    Fun Facts!

    Kili is the highest point in Africa with an elevation of 19,341 feet (5,895 meters)

    It's the world's highest free-standing mountain, meaning it is not part of a mountain range, which is why the dramatic rise from the surrounding plains is so pronounced!

    It has 5 unique climate zones:
    - Rainforest (2,800 - 9,200 ft): Lush and humid--offers a chance to see monkeys, colorful birds, and vibrant flora.
    - Moorland (9,200 - 13,100 ft): More open with shrubs, heathers, and mosses. Temperatures can drop significantly at night!
    - High Desert (13,100 - 16,400 ft): Sparse vegetation and more extreme temperature fluctuations.
    - Alpine Desert (16,400 - 19,300 ft): A barren landscape with rocks, ice, and some hardy flora. Air gets significantly thinner.
    - Arctic (19,300 ft and above): At the summit, temperatures can be below freezing (-20*F). Characterized by ice fields, glaciers, and the stunning Uhuru Peak.

    + At the summit, the oxygen level is about 50% of what it is at sea level. This makes breathing more laborious

  • Kayla Houchin
    Sonder Bakehouse - Macaron Class 9.24
    donated $200 to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    12 months ago

    Congrats Chelsea! Love your determination.

    Chelsea responded

    I'm moved by your generosity and commitment to the cause. Thank you so much, Kayla!!

  • C
    Curtis,Debbie, Myah and Gavin Gano
    donated $100 to Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water 
    12 months ago

    Hugs and support from the Gano's, you got this!!!

    Chelsea responded

    Ganos! Thank you for amplifying the cause with your generous donation! Appreciate your support so much!

This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2023 and the money is being sent to the field. Still want to donate? You can give directly to charity: water.

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Top Donors

  • 1
    Melissa Nau
  • 2
    Sonder Bakehouse - Macaron Class 9.24
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Past campaigns
Hiking Kilimanjaro for Clean Water
Ended Dec 31, 2023
Raised $1,670