Bernard Kintzing
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
I joined the charity: water community in 2019 to help end the water crisis. Please consider joining me to support charity: water. 100% of your donation goes to clean water.
Member since
Est. people served
Lifetime Impact
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Bernard's community
9 comments · 26 donations
  • Bernard KintzingSpring
    posted an update to Running for Clean Water 
    11 months ago

    Howdy folks, just to keep you all in the loop, yesterday I finished my last mile of the 114 promised. Thanks again for all your donations it truly means a lot, yall rock!

  • A
    Anonymous donated $20
    over 1 year ago
  • Bernard KintzingSpring
    posted an update to Running for Clean Water 
    over 1 year ago

    Thank you to everyone who donated! We raised a total of $1,225, which is enough to help about 30 people. This means I will be running 114 miles to pay you all back. Finished the first run earlier today, and have my progress updated on my website. You can view and follow my progress at:

  • A
    Anonymous donated $80 to Running for Clean Water
    over 1 year ago
  • S
    Shrini donated $60 to Running for Clean Water
    over 1 year ago
Top Donations

  • 1
  • 2
    Rian Miller
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
Past campaigns
Running for Clean Water
Ended Oct 1, 2023
Raised $1,225