Therese Karkowski
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
I joined the charity: water community in 2021 to help end the water crisis. Please consider joining me to support charity: water. 100% of your donation goes to clean water.
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Therese's community
39 comments · 46 donations
  • Therese KarkowskiSpring
    posted an update to Therese’s NYC Marathon for Clean Water 
    about 1 year ago

    With just a few hours left for my fundraiser, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for contributing and helping to bring clean water to people who need it. Your support means so much to me!

    Running the NYC Marathon for the charity: water team was an incredible experience! In 20 weeks of training, I invested over 261 hours of my time (counting yoga and strength training) and I ran over 515 miles. The marathon itself was so much fun with amazing crowd support, and running over the NYC bridges was really unique. Knowing that all that was done to help bring clean water to approximately 75 people in Bangladesh made it all worthwhile!!

    Every donation goes a long way, and I am grateful that, together, we are able to bring life’s most basic need to people living in some of the most remote locations on Earth.

    Thanks again and Happy New Year!!

  • A
    Anonymous donated $2 to Therese’s NYC Marathon for Clean Water
    about 1 year ago
  • Therese KarkowskiSpring
    donated $50 to Therese’s NYC Marathon for Clean Water 
    over 1 year ago

    A great Giving Tuesday option!

  • S
    Stacy Taylor
    donated $50 to Therese’s NYC Marathon for Clean Water 
    over 1 year ago

    Have a great race!

    Therese responded

    Thank you so much for the support, Stacy!! Your donation will provide so much value to the community in Bangladesh that we will be supporting!

  • S
    Sharman Nittoli
    donated $20 to Therese’s NYC Marathon for Clean Water 
    over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your commitment to this event.

    Therese responded

    Wow, Sharman, thank you so much for donating!! You are incredibly supportive!!

Top Donations

  • 1
    Proce Family
  • 2
  • 3
    Steve Takacs
  • 4
    Petrick Family
  • 5
    Mom Pitterle
Past campaigns
Therese’s NYC Marathon for Clean Water
Ended Dec 31, 2023
Raised $3,000.20