Sarah Hasselbeck
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
I joined the charity: water community in 2014 to help end the water crisis. Please consider joining me to support charity: water. 100% of your donation goes to clean water.
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Sarah's community
17 comments · 24 donations
  • M
    Mary Kissel
    donated $300 to Points Wins Wells 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    There were 15 children in my family - most athletes - most of us showered at least 2x a day. We drank so much milk we had a separate refrigerator for the 4 or 5 gallons on hand. I can't imagine the volume of water that we showered, laundered, cooked with or simply drank on a daily basis. The least I can do is supply water for 15. So here you go Rachel - the Angel child who taught me a lesson - she wanted to provide water for 15. I'll do it for you today. Meeting Jesus at the well and so honored to help draw the water.

  • Sarah Hasselbeck
    donated $740 to Indianapolis Colts 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    49 Points vs Redskins and 25 Points vs Cleveland

  • Sarah Hasselbeck
    donated $230 to Indianapolis Colts 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    Divisional WIN!! Go Colts

  • Maria JohnsonSpring
    donated $30 to Indianapolis Colts 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    In honor of the Hasselbeck Family :)

  • kate jankowskiSpring
    donated $23 to Indianapolis Colts 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    TY is the man!

Top Donations

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    Sarah Hasselbeck
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    Sarah Hasselbeck
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    Sarah Hasselbeck
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    Sarah Hasselbeck
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    Sarah Hasselbeck
Past campaigns
Indianapolis Colts
Ended Dec 31, 2014
Raised $5,816
Points Wins Wells
Ended Dec 31, 2014
Raised $1,990