Help bring clean water to 50,000 people.


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Michael Filsaime
Let's end the water crisis in our lifetime
I joined the charity: water community in 2009 to help end the water crisis. Please consider joining me to support charity: water. 100% of your donation goes to clean water.
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Michael's community
45 comments · 57 donations
  • C
    Camille Amy
    donated $44 to My 44th Birthday 
    Editedabout 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday, hope there will be many more good works

  • J
    John Hall
    donated $44 to My 44th Birthday 
    Editedabout 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Mike:)

  • D
    Djordje Ajdukovic
    donated $44 to My 44th Birthday 
    Editedabout 9 years ago

    Happy birthday Mike! Happiness and health above all.
    You are leaving a large footprint not only in online marketing, but even a deeper one in understanding human needs and despair.

  • A
    Andrew Lermsider donated $50 to My 44th Birthday
    about 13 years ago
  • J
    John Cornetta
    donated $44 to My 44th Birthday 
    Editedabout 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Mike I'm happy to partner with you to make a difference. John Cornetta

Top Donations

  • 1
    Jeff Johnson
  • 2
    Chris Farrell
  • 3
    Michael Filsaime
  • 4
    Yanik Silver
  • 5
    Brendon Burchard
Past campaigns
My 44th Birthday
Ended Dec 31, 2011
Raised $2,478.44
Mike Filsaime's 43rd birthday
Ended Dec 31, 2010
Raised $3,513.43