This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2013 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
organized by tom dotio
Help tom give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.
Meine lieben Zuschauer!
UPDATE! Das Ziel von 512$ schon nach 5 Tagen erreicht? Vielen Dank!!! Ich traue mich jetzt doch auf das Vorjahresziel anzusetzen! Versuchen wir die 1024$ wieder zu knacken!
Wie schon letzten Dezember möchte ich auch dieses Jahr meinen Erfolg teilen und ihr könnt dabei helfen!
Im Zeitraum von 1. bis 24. Dezember 2013 spende ich einen Dollar pro 1000 Views meiner Videos an charity: water.
Letztes Jahr haben wir gemeinsam über 1000$ zusammen gebracht, super!!!
Also einfach wie üblich Videos schauen oder selbst direkt etwas beitragen! Jeder Cent zählt!
Vielen Dank und viel Spaß mit meinen Videos!
guten Rutsch
1 dollar für 1000 views von 19.12. - 24.12. + kleines Extra
Der Rest lieben Gruß.
This campaign brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau, Cambodia and 1 other project.
tomdotio xmas views4water 2024
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2024 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2023
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2023 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2020
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2020 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2019
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2019 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2018
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2018 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2017
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2017 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2016
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2016 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2015
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2015 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2014
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2014 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water 2013
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2013 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
tomdotio xmas views4water
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2012 tom dotio brought clean water to Trapeag Krabau and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
100% of the money raised by this campaign is being used to bring clean water to help those in need. In 21 months we’ll be able to show you exactly where the money went and who it helped.