This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2012 Stefanie Smith brought clean water to Bwimo.

Stefanie Smith

September to Remember

organized by Stefanie Smith

Help Stefanie give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Stefanie Smith is fundraising for clean water

On September 30, I'm turning the ripe-old-age of 27. And while I would love for everyone *I* love to buy me stuff like whiskey and Ryan Gosling, this year, I'd like even more to give those things to people who *need* them even more. Well, let's be honest, no one needs Ryan Gosling more than me...

But, there are 800 million other people around the world who need things like clean water ... and they have - none - of - it.

I've been extraordinarily touched by the work charity: water does to bring life to people who are really no different than all of us. No different, except for the minor fact of being born in a different region of the world, to different circumstances.

This year, I'm asking that instead of writing on my Facebook wall, or buying me a drink, or sending a card or check or Ryan Gosling, you'd join with me in helping those who don't have the same resources we do to help themselves. If you have $1, that's fantastic. If you have $100, that's equally as fantastic.

I've set a low goal, and I would really love to meet and exceed it. Let's make it a September to Remember, folks! I love y'all, and am so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. Know that I'm grateful in advance for your love and support, and am sending you hugs and thanks, whether you're up here in NYC with me this birthday, or far away.

Recent activity + updates
13 comments · 18 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Bwimo, Rwanda.

Piped System Tap Stand
Top Donors

  • 1
    K&J McNamara
  • 2
    Matthew Libassi
  • 3
    Kathy Falter
  • 4
    Garland Harwood
  • 5
    Gena Lee
Past campaigns
September to Remember
Ended Dec 31, 2012
Raised $546