This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2012 Shoshana Allice brought clean water to Nyakabanga.

Shoshana Allice

Shoshana's Birthday

organized by Shoshana Allice

Help Shoshana give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Shoshana Allice is fundraising for clean water

I already have more 'stuff' than I could possibly need.... and what I want more than anything is to know that somehow I contribute to making this world just a little better. Please help me do that this year. A remarkably small amount for us makes such a HUGE impact on the lives of thirsty children and families in Africa. <br><br>I discovered this campaign when a beautiful woman I deeply admire and respect offered her birthday for it. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery - and so I am following in Signy's example. <br><br>In case you're wondering, one of the things that makes this charity: water special is that 100% of all public donations go DIRECTLY to Africa and well drilling that will be done there. I love that we can track exactly where the money that we give makes a difference.<br><br>Please help me celebrate my birthday in the style to which I would like to become accustomed: celebrating the incredible power of birth and humanity - by making a difference to others. <br><br>Blessings,<br>Shoshana<br>

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4 comments · 4 donations
  • P
    Pat Pal
    donated $38 to Shoshana's Birthday 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    Shoshana, you are an inspiration. You give me hope for a future, better world.

  • J
    Jon Beale
    donated $38 to Shoshana's Birthday 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    great idea Shosh!

  • E
    Elinor Bazar
    donated $20 to Shoshana's Birthday 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Shosh!

  • Shoshana Allice
    donated $138 to Shoshana's Birthday 
    Editedover 9 years ago

    Blessings of gratitude to my parents for creating and birthing me..... and gratitude that I have enough that I can give.

This campaign brought clean water to Nyakabanga, Rwanda.

Piped System Tap Stand
Top Donors

  • 1
    Shoshana Allice
  • 2
    Pat Pal
  • 3
    Jon Beale
  • 4
    Elinor Bazar
Past campaigns
Shoshana's Birthday
Ended Dec 31, 2012
Raised $234