This campaign closed on Feb 3, 2012 Sebastian Rumler brought clean water to Muchibwe Centre - Bf Masumbe.
organized by Sebastian Rumler
Help Sebastian give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.
It all started in 2009 - our first ever charity:water campaign raised over $10,000 to provide clean water to people in need. It was hard work for all involved, but the outcome was incredible - to see the wells and to see the people was just amazing.
This year though, we are going back to where it all started for Scott Harrison and charity:water.
On 11.11.11 - we will hold our event at Nova Luna ( - One Night Only!
One night we will party, enjoy music and friends, and all for a good cause - clean water for those in need.
So - please join us and spread the word to friends, family, and co-workers and let's have a great time, knowing that others will benefit from it!
PS: Of course this will also be my 35th Birthday celebration (which is on 11-13-11)
Thx Hilario Gomez!
Kickin' it off
This campaign brought clean water to Muchibwe Centre - Bf Masumbe, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the.
One Night Only
This campaign closed on Feb 3, 2012 Sebastian Rumler brought clean water to Muchibwe Centre - Bf Masumbe.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
It's a Family Thing
This campaign closed on Nov 19, 2010 Sebastian Rumler brought clean water to Muchibwe Centre - Bf Masumbe.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
WorldCup2010 'Goals 4 Water'
This campaign closed on Sep 11, 2010 Sebastian Rumler brought clean water to Muchibwe Centre - Bf Masumbe.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
'Sebas Stopped Cold Turkey'
This campaign closed on Jun 3, 2010 Sebastian Rumler brought clean water to Muchibwe Centre - Bf Masumbe.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Sebastian's 33th Birthday
This campaign closed on Nov 26, 2009 Sebastian Rumler brought clean water to Muchibwe Centre - Bf Masumbe.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
100% of the money raised by this campaign is being used to bring clean water to help those in need. In 21 months we’ll be able to show you exactly where the money went and who it helped.