This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2021 and £4,162 is being sent to the field.

Riccardo Broggi

Running, Cycling, Swimming for Water

organized by Riccardo Broggi

Help Riccardo give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Riccardo Broggi is fundraising for clean water

READING TIME: 3 minutes, Please, read this!!

About charity:water
Many of us have no idea what it's like to be thirsty. We have plenty of water to drink -- even the water in our toilets is clean!
But many people around the world don’t have that luxury. Every day, about 1,400 children die from diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
100% of the money will be used to build clean water projects, and when they’re complete, charity: water will send us photos and GPS coordinates so we can see the exact community we helped.

About our Half-Ironman (70.3 Miles)
We are locked-up, and unable to make any plans. Like us, most everyone else. But one thing we retain is the freedom to pursue some stupid goal, so here we are.
It looks hard and genuinely outside of our comfort zone. Never cycled, never swam, pursuing a 7h (at best) endurance race. But then again, it's a choice we have. Reading Thirst, Scott Harisson's biography (founder of charity:water), you find out about an Ethiopian 13-year-old girl who hanged herself over a spilled pot of water: that does not look like a choice.
So while we push ourselves in this test of both physical endurance and mental stamina, we are fundraising to build an entire water project which will bring clean water to a village of 300 people, and spread awareness about the amazing work charity:water has been doing for over fifteen years.

Our challenge(S)
Along the way, and to prepare, we are running a number of crazy challenges to raise more funds and get ready for our race.

On the 15th of March, we will begin the 4x4x48: 4 miles (6.5km) every 4 hours for 48 hours. 48 miles in total, just a little over 77km, i.e. a little lass than the equivalente of two marathons in two days.


On the 6th of June we will be in Warsaw to compete in the Ironman 70.3, completing a 1.9km swim, 90.1km bike ride and a 21.1km run.

Learn more at or read Scott's insane book

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This campaign closed on 30 Jun 2021 and the money is being sent to the field. Still want to donate? You can give directly to charity: water.

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Running, Cycling, Swimming for Water is a team campaign.

