This campaign closed on Jan 22, 2010 Laura @Pistachio Fitton brought clean water to May Geneo.

Laura @Pistachio Fitton


organized by Laura @Pistachio Fitton

Help Laura @Pistachio Fitton give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Laura @Pistachio Fitton is fundraising for clean water

THANK YOU ALL! We raised a total of $2235 for Charity: Water and $650 (and still counting: to donate) for Partners in Health to support rescue efforts in Haiti.

We also heard from great stories of projects started, people served and other charities supported in the name of being awesome.

It was a truly amazing birthday and I am incredibly grateful to all of you.

Given the tragedy in Haiti, my earnest birthday (Thursday Jan 21) wish is simply: be #AWESOME. Support ANY charity of YOUR choice. Charity:Water works through both Concern and PIH in Haiti, but create the thing YOU want to create in the world.

In BOSTON? Join us 1/21 for the @wellwishes finale party

$1910 raised as of 1/17:
--Mike Gunderloy's Developer Wellwishes: $650
--Andrew Hyde's TechStars Wellwishes: $485

Last year we asked "What can $2 do?" and thousands banded together to raise $25k for Charity:Water.

We're collecting donations again this year, but we're also rallying teams to build their own wells...

DARE TO BE #AWESOME!! It's easy:

1. create a campaign at
2. include the word WELLWISHES in your campaign title
3. rally social media contacts, friends, coworkers and family - tell them that together, YOU'RE going to provide safe water for an entire village.

Lack of safe drinking water claims 5,000 children's lives EVERY day. 1 in 6 people worldwide don't have this basic human right. That lack leads to death, violence, oppression of women, disease, children being pulled from school, environmental problems and even wars.

Just $20 billion - 5% of the $400 billion Americans spend each holiday season, would SOLVE THE WATER PROBLEM.

Recent activity + updates
10 comments · 13 donations
  • K
    Kevin Marks
    donated $100 to WellWishes2009/10 
    Editedalmost 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday Laura

  • J
    Jay Hepner
    donated $2 to WellWishes2009/10 
    Editedalmost 9 years ago

    Upping the ante...

  • J
    Jay Hepner
    donated $10 to WellWishes2009/10 
    Editedalmost 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Laura!


  • A
    Alexander Moore
    donated $10 to WellWishes2009/10 
    Editedalmost 9 years ago

    glug, glug, glug

  • W
    Walter Akana
    donated $25 to WellWishes2009/10 
    Editedalmost 9 years ago

    Happy Birthday, Laura!

This campaign brought clean water to May Geneo, Ethiopia.

Hand Dug Well
Top Donors

  • 1
    SteveN Sheinkopf
  • 2
    Kevin Marks
  • 3
    Alex Chriss
  • 4
    Alexander Ainslie (@AAinslie)
  • 5
    David Fitton
Past campaigns
Ended Jan 22, 2010
Raised $922