This campaign closed on Mar 11, 2012 Jen Yates brought clean water to Chibimbi - Bf Patient and 2 other projects.

Jen Yates

Cake Wrecks 2011

organized by Jen Yates

Help Jen give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Jen Yates is fundraising for clean water

Welcome, Wrecktators!
Donating through this page is relatively painless and totally secure. It also tracks our progress, so you can see how far along we are to our $5K goal.
Thanks for giving, and thanks for being awesome. Here's to a wrecky and LOL-filled 2012!

Recent activity + updates
61 comments · 439 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Chibimbi - Bf Patient, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the and 2 other projects.

Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Piped System Tap Stand
Top Donors

  • 1
    Rebecca Blann
  • 2
    Bennette Sharpe
  • 3
    Avis Meeks Day
  • 4
    Jen Yates
  • 5
    Betty Jackson
Past campaigns
Ended Mar 17, 2013
Raised $6,950.87
Cake Wrecks 2011
Ended Mar 11, 2012
Raised $5,299.98
Cake Wrecks Charity: Water 2010 Page
Ended Dec 31, 2010
Raised $10
Cake Wrecks
Ended Dec 27, 2009
Raised $12,874