This campaign closed on Sep 30, 2012 Dan Burke brought clean water to Debre Mear.

Dan's Birthday Charity:Water Campaign!

organized by Dan Burke

Help Dan give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Dan Burke is fundraising for clean water

On July 9th, I'm turning 43, which is really, really old if you ask my youngest child, but really, really young if you ask my mom ("I'm too young for my baby to be 43. Perhaps we got your birthdate wrong? You might only be 31. I'd need to check.") To me, it was just another birthday - - until I got to know charity:water and met the founder a couple of months ago. Now, I'm trying to make my birthday be more than just another click on the mortality time line.

In this spirit, I'm celebrating my birthday like never before.

I'm asking for $43 from everyone I know, even from people who don't really even like me all that much -- and every penny of the money raised will go directly to fund clean water projects in developing nations. Even better, charity: water will show us exactly which projects we funded once they've been fully completed (which takes about 18 months). That means we'll be able to see the communities we've helped!

My goal is to raise as much money as we can by my birthday, July 9th. I plugged in a few hundred dollars, but really would love to make a big a difference as we can for some people who deserve it.

So, please consider doing one of three things:
1. take a minute to learn more about charity:water (awesome results); 2. donate some or a lot of money; or 3. both 1 & 2.

Please join me to make this birthday count. Do it right now!
'Cause if you're late, you don't get a fruitcup! (bonus points if you get the movie reference)

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6 comments · 8 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Debre Mear, Ethiopia.

Drilled Well
Top Donors

  • 1
    Dan Burke
  • 2
    David Novak
  • 3
    Dan Weene
  • 4
    Jerry Burke
  • 5
    William Camillo
Past campaigns
Dan's Birthday Charity:Water Campaign!
Ended Sep 30, 2012
Raised $570