This campaign closed on Sep 30, 2015 Daemon Blackflag brought clean water to Fambauone.

Daemon Blackflag

SL Breedables

organized by Daemon Blackflag

Help Daemon Blackflag give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Daemon Blackflag is fundraising for clean water

Every day, 1,400 kids under the age of 5 die from water-related illnesses. Let's help change that!

Have you ever said, "I'm dying of thirst?" If so, you probably didn't really mean it.

If you're like us, you don’t spend too much time thinking about water -- it's everywhere we go. When we're thirsty, we flip a handle or push a button. When we're dirty, we twist a shower knob. When our garden needs watering, when our pasta needs to be boiled, when we use the bathroom -- water is just an arm's length away.

But, in many developing countries, women and children walk for hours, up and down mountains, just to collect water that can make them really sick.

Help us play a small part in solving the water crisis -- donate to our campaign.

100% of everything we raise will directly fund water projects. And when those projects are finished, charity: water will send us proof in pictures and GPS coordinates, so we can see the actual people and communities we impacted.

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This campaign brought clean water to Fambauone, Malawi.

Well With Hand Pump
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    Daemon Blackflag
Past campaigns
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Ended Sep 30, 2015
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