This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2014

Cosette Swart

Cosette's Paintings With A Purpose

organized by Cosette Swart

Help Cosette give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Cosette Swart is fundraising for clean water

Every day, 1,400 kids under the age of 5 die from water-related illnesses. Let's help change that!

3 year old Cosette Swart is a delightful child full of joy and grace. She inspires her parents and others to see the world through a different light. We often feel that we can't make a difference, that we don't have enough money, time or talent to make a real change. Cosette isn't bothered by the fact that she can't change the whole world, instead she focuses on what she can do. Her plan will tangibly change some people's lives, and that is something worth doing.

Cosette's plan began when she was informed to the sad truth, many people around the world die because they do not have enough food to eat. With the innocence of a child, she wanted to help some of these people and so a plan was made. With the help of her parents she decided to start saving money in a jar to put towards purchasing a cow for people in need. They began to brainstorm ways she could earn some money and it didn't take long for them to come up with the idea to try and sell some of her paintings. Friends, family, and friends of friends have been so generous and encouraging helping to make this plan a reality. Cosette raised over $1600 to buy all sorts of animals for people through world vision Canada. It didn't stop there, Cosette then began to learn about how children and families were dying because they didn't have clean water. Of course this makes no sense, especially to a child. She watched countless videos about it and decided that her next goal would be to raise $4000 (since she is almost 4) for charity water. If you are interested in receiving a painting as a gift for your donation, please visit her website

Many of us have no idea what it's like to be thirsty. We have plenty of water to drink -- even the water in our toilets is clean!

But many people around the world don’t have that luxury. Every day, 1,400 kids die from water-related illnesses before they reach their fifth birthday. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are simple solutions like drilled wells, spring protections and BioSand Filters that help provide clean water to communities around the world.

Cosette started this fundraising campaign to help charity: water build these types of projects around the world, and she is looking for anyone who can help her.

Please donate to her campaign -- anything you can give is a huge help.

100% of the money will be used to build clean water projects, and when they’re complete, charity: water will send us photos and GPS coordinates so we can see the exact community we helped.

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This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2014 and the money is being sent to the field. Still want to donate? You can give directly to charity: water.

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Past campaigns
Cosette And Friends
Ended Dec 31, 2018
Raised $4,123.58
Cosette's Painting With A Purpose
Ended Jun 30, 2018
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Cosette's Paintings With A Purpose
Ended Dec 31, 2016
Raised $453
Cosette Swart - Paintings With A Purpose
Ended Jun 30, 2016
Raised $1,393
Cosette's Paintings With A Purpose
Ended Jun 30, 2015
Raised $5,183.53