This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2012 Akira Morita brought clean water to GS Gaseke.

Akira Morita


organized by Akira Morita

Help Akira give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Akira Morita is fundraising for clean water


I'm turning 40 this year, and I'm in a full-on mid-life crisis. Someone might as well benefit off that:)

Imagine collectively pooling $4 million for water projects in Rwanda; that gives access to clean water to about 200,000 people. That's my conservative estimate: I'm doing this as one of 1,000 World Domination Summit 2012 attendees who pledged at the end of Scott Harrison's moving account of how he built Charity: Water. I'm really excited to see just how big we can make this, collectively.

I know: donating money is the easy part. That's why, though, I'm really grateful for the organization for its work of bringing clean water to everyone. The organization dedicates 100% of donations toward the projects they're working on, so we can really see the difference we're making.

We live in an incredibly convenient time where all it takes is a click of a button to make a difference. Do it for these kids, please.

Professionally, I help people make a clear picture out of chaos that they believe they're in. Facilitating meaningful conversations and design thinking are my tools of trade. Personally, I am a proud father of a four-year-old son and a husband (for almost 12 years) to a beautiful, amazing woman I met in college.

Every day, I'm thinking how I can integrate more of what I do professionally with who I am as a person. This is part of that effort (see, I told you I'm having a midlife crisis!)

Thanks for caring!

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2 donations

This campaign brought clean water to GS Gaseke, Rwanda.

Piped System Tap Stand
Top Donors

  • 1
    Akira Morita
  • 2
    Patrice Bellan
Past campaigns
Ended Dec 31, 2012
Raised $120