Right now, 703 million people are drinking dirty water. You can change — or even save — their lives today. It only takes $40 to bring 1 person reliable access to the clean water they deserve.
Make checks payable to charity: water. If you're donating in honor of someone, sponsoring a water project or want to direct your donation to our operating costs, please write that in the memo of your check.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept donations to The Spring via check.
Tax receipts will be mailed within four to six weeks after the donation has been processed.
charity: water is a registered charity in the UK. To make a tax-efficient donation in GBP, visit charitywateruk.org. For other international donations, we accept bank issued money orders in USD. Money orders should be made payable to charity: water and can be mailed to the address below. For donations over $6,000, we also accept wire transfers; email info@charitywater.org for more information.
Please note, only donations made by eligible US taxpayers may be tax-deductible.
We're able to accept donations in the form of stock, government (including municipal) debt and corporate debt through the Depository Trust Company (DTC). For security, settlement and reduced paperwork, electronic transfer through the DTC is preferred. This can be arranged from most brokerage accounts.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept donations to The Spring via stock.
Please contact info@charitywater.org for more information on making a stock donation.
To my friends in the Small Giants Community: This year, we are thrilled to welcome Scott Harrison, the CEO of charity: water, an organization my family has supported for several years. For those of you attending the Summit, you’re going to hear his emotional story of endurance, but you’re also going to be moved by the progress his organization has made to bring clean water to people around the world.
As a small token of thanks to Scott for sharing his story, I thought we’d show him some Small Giants love and help support this important cause. All of their operational costs are paid by a small group of donors, so 100% of your donation goes directly to their water projects.
Once you read more about charity: water, I think you’ll be as inspired as I have been. Of course, there is no obligation and no minimum commitment.
Appreciate your support!
You deserve to give with confidence. 100% of public donations directly fund clean water projects. But we don’t stop there. From our financials, to our tech, to the environmental sustainability of our water projects: “good enough” is
Anyone can change the world for the better. (Even if their journey begins in an NYC nightclub.) Share Scott’s story of redemption with your friends and family on social media.
100% of your donation funds clean water.