We've got some world changing to do!
Thankful for a generous faith family whose support runs over to change the lives of even those they never intended to impact.
HEY, TEAM! I just wanted to shout a big "THANK YOU!!" to those of you who have generously given of yourselves and supported this campaign--*our* campaign. You can see that we're almost there. I wanted to let you know that I am confident that we will meet our goal (and maybe even exceed it) for a number of reasons.
1) I will be leaving for my first overseas mission trip (to Guatemala) in less than 1.5 weeks. I have received full support (and then some!!) from my church, family, and friends for this trip, so all of the direct costs are paid (*insert explosion emoji*). With that being said, I committed to give any extra funds that were received from that 'campaign' to instead be devoted here. That turned out to be $285!
2) Other generous friends who just haven't had the chance have also shared their intentions to give. With only $187 needed (after counting my committed $285), I think we can make it.
And this means that the handfuls of beautiful people (aka YOU) who have given your hearts and your money will be part of the HUGE "YES" that means clean water for 66 people. And really, our $2,000 looks like a 1/5th stake in a well project. (Each well tends to cost about $10,000 to complete. Smile big, because you're more of a world changer than you think.)
So, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I know that Sam has now stretched her birthday into three months, but my fingers are crossed and hope is that you think it was worth it, too. So much love for you.
Ever yours,
The bravest 23 y.o. Sam we never thought we would discover until we at least hit 24 ;-)
Charity: Birthday 2.0
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2016 SAMANTHA MEHR brought clean water to Nivava.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Charity: Birthday
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2015 SAMANTHA MEHR brought clean water to Metambula.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
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