Michael Sanders
Clean water makes the world of a difference!
I joined the charity: water community in 2015 to help end the water crisis. Please consider joining me to support charity: water. 100% of your donation goes to clean water.
Member since
Est. people served
Lifetime Impact
About charity: water
charity: water is a nonprofit organization bringing clean and safe water to people around the world. We work with local partners to implement sustainable, community-owned water projects and prove each one with photos and GPS coordinates.
Activity from Michael's community
83 comments · 133 donations
  • Michael Sanders
    Michael Sanders donated $30
    about 1 year ago
  • Michael Sanders
    posted an update to Michael's NYC Marathon for Clean Water! 
    about 2 years ago

    26.2 is a big number, but as it turns out, 19 is even bigger. Thanks to you all, 19 people in the world are forever changed. There will be a day in the very near future when they walk hours for water for the last time. A day when they instead, walk to school... spend time with family... start businesses. There's no telling how far the impact of your generosity will go, because the impact on those 19 people is exponential. Collectively, all of us who ran the NYC Marathon for charity: water have now raised enough for 1,823 people to get clean water. And the number is still growing! Having met people around the world who lack access to clean water, who go from sickness to sickness, who miss out on school and walk dangerous miles just to make it through the day... I can't say enough how grateful I am to you all for joining me on this mission. In the coming weeks, you should receive an update from charity: water outlining exactly where the funds went and what specific community is benefitting. With love and gratitude, - M

  • L
    donated $100 to Michael's NYC Marathon for Clean Water! 
    about 2 years ago

    Good run Michael!

  • R
    Ryan Johnson donated $25 to Michael's NYC Marathon for Clean Water!
    about 2 years ago
  • A
    Anonymous donated $50 to Michael's NYC Marathon for Clean Water!
    about 2 years ago
Top Donations

  • 1
    Charis Finance LLC
  • 2
    Johnathan Bowman
  • 3
  • 4
    Brant Copen
  • 5
    Todd Harrison
Past campaigns
Michael's NYC Marathon for Clean Water!
Ended Dec 31, 2022
Raised $775
5 Minute Mile!
Ended Sep 20, 2022
Raised $580
#6: Carlsbad Marathon
Ended Dec 31, 2021
Raised $96.20
50 Consecutive 5K's
Ended Dec 31, 2020
Raised $770
Running 5K A Day
Ended Dec 31, 2019
Raised $260
Running 50K for Clean Water
Ended Mar 31, 2017
Raised $738
5K for $50K
Ended Jun 30, 2016
Raised $945
5K for $50K
Ended Jun 30, 2015
Raised $2,780