Love the mission, thanks for making this an option for Caden's 4th bday party on Dec 1st!
Thanks, Jilly!
Thank you Silly Jilly! This is for Lanie’s 5th birthday party on July 6th.
Silly Jilly's Fans Provide Clean Water
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2021 Silly Jilly the Clown brought clean water to Tanséga.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Silly Jilly's Fans Provide Clean Water
This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2021 Silly Jilly the Clown brought clean water to Gbangema and 1 other project.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Silly Jilly's Fans Provide Clean Water
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2020 Silly Jilly the Clown brought clean water to Niankar.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Silly Jilly's Fans Provide Clean Water
This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2020 Silly Jilly the Clown brought clean water to Tonhane.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
Silly Jilly's Fans Provide Clean Water
This campaign closed on Dec 31, 2019 Silly Jilly the Clown brought clean water to Chantier.
raised and sent to the field
est. people served
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