This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2023 This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2023 and $29,550 is hard at work in Uganda.

Greenbriar Gratitude

organized by Hamp Holcomb

Help Hamp give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.



Why Hamp Holcomb is fundraising for clean water

Hello Greenbriar Hunters and Guests of Kem Wilson,
(This is a SURPRISE!!)

I believe it is a great time to show some major reciprocal love to Kem, as he has shown an immense amount to everyone of us. Kem and Norma are huge fans and donors to Charity Water! You are invited to participate in raising funds to pay for 2 to 3 wells (that are 10K each) in their honor.

Very Short NOTICE (I know), but Nancy and I are hosting a HogWild dinner on Tuesday night June 6th at 6:30 pm at our house for you and your spouse to come and present these wells to thank Kem for the incredible hospitality that he continues to shower on all of us.

I know many of you reciprocate with Kem already, however, please participate with us regardless.

Everyone who gives will have their name on the card presented to Kem and Norma that night, even if you are unable to come to the dinner.

Please give at least 250.00 and no more than $1500.00 (unless you are moved by the Spirit.)

If you'd like to hide the amount given, just check anonymous when you give. Having already spoken to 7 folks on this list, we are just shy of one well already!!

You can give below by check or also thru your Donor Advised Fund!!! Just mention "Greenbriar Gratitude" - and shoot me an email if you're planning to give in this way so I can total the gifts as it will take a little more time for charity: water to receive and process.

Excited to partner with you all!!!

Thanks, Hamp Holcomb

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8 comments · 40 donations

This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2023 and the money is being sent to the field. Still want to donate? You can give directly to charity: water.

Donate To charity: waterSee What Happens Next
Top Donors

  • 1
    Mr. and Mrs. Willis H Whilley
  • 2
    Audrey And Jb Selecman
  • 3
    Community Foundation of Greater Memphis
  • 4
    Robert Frazee
  • 5
    Barrett Jones
Past campaigns
Greenbriar Gratitude
Ended Jun 30, 2023
Raised $29,550