This campaign closed on Jun 30, 2015 Chelsea Kilway brought clean water to Serdi Awuer and 1 other project.

Chelsea Kilway

Chelsea's 28th Birthday!

organized by Chelsea Kilway

Help Chelsea give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Chelsea Kilway is fundraising for clean water

There are 748 million people in the world living without access to clean water. Help me change that!

748 million people in the world do not have access to clean water. 748 million! It seems like such a foreign concept to us as in the United States, all we have to do is turn on the faucet and out comes water. No matter where you live or what economic level you are at, everyone has clean water in this country. That is not a reality for people in developing countries. Clean water is NOT a privilege it should be a right to each and every person on this planet!

Imagine if you had no clean water. Imagine walking hours to the nearest river to collect water for your family -- water that's not even clean. Imagine giving that water to your kids.
While this might seem unimaginable to us, it’s a reality for those 748 million people in developing countries.

After learning more about charity: water’s work, I know we can make a difference in the global water crisis. We’re supporting charity: water to help build clean water projects for people in need. Instead of sending me gifts or taking me out for a drink on my birthday, please donate to my page instead. The money is much better spent by giving it to those in need of clean water. Every dollar counts! Donate what you can.

100% of the money we raise will go directly water project costs, funding long-lasting clean water solutions for people in need. When the projects are finished, charity: water will show you the exact communities helped using photos and GPS coordinates.

Please join me and help give the gift of clean water!

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5 comments · 19 donations

This campaign brought clean water to Serdi Awuer, Ethiopia and 1 other project.

Well With Hand Pump
Top Donors

  • 1
    Chad Judy
  • 2
    Dave/Terri/Adam/Emma Jankowski
  • 3
    Megan Huyghe
  • 4
    Kate Vizza
  • 5
    Mary Ellen McCoy
Past campaigns
Chelsea's 28th Birthday!
Ended Jun 30, 2015
Raised $588.01
Chelsea's Birthday Wish!
Ended Aug 21, 2014
Raised $191