This campaign closed on Sep 16, 2012 Barbara Kendall brought clean water to Kerniwaha.

Barbara Kendall

This year my Birthday will be celebrated with clean water

organized by Barbara Kendall

Help Barbara give the gift of clean water. 100% of every donation raised will fund charity: water's work providing access to clean water projects around the world.





Why Barbara Kendall is fundraising for clean water

On my way to work yesterday I stopped at Circle K for coffee & bottled water. I spent $1.59 on a 16oz bottle, I actually felt ok about the $1.59 since I didn't fall into the 2 for $2 trap. I felt I would have left the second bottle in the car & just wasted it anyway. I filled up my bottle three times during work & once more before I headed home. When I got home I went to toss the bottle as I no longer needed it. When I opened the door I noticed 5 empty 32oz bottles sitting on the shelf. I also noticed less than 6 feet away my full 5gallon water cooler that dispenses cold & hot clean water with the simple push of a button. Once I realized that I had carelessly spent nearly $12 on "convenience" water, I felt an overwhelming amount of shame. In May 2012 I witnessed first hand the devastation adults & children suffer from every day because they simply don't have the means, access or luxury of clean water. There are thousands of children dying as a result of not having even a single ounce of clean water in the entire village where they live. Going forward I will no longer purchase "convenience" water. If for some reason I find myself contemplating or about to make the purchase I will go directly to my charity water & donate the cost of the bottled water. This may not seem like a big donation at first. However I will feel better knowing I didn't sacrifice water for someone who really needs it. I will learn to correct my careless behavior $2 at a time. I feel comfort just knowing this organization will take & utilize all $2 for the purpose, vision & brilliant plan to provide clean water to everyone. If you haven't seen the videos or read the testimonials yourself I highly recommend you take a moment to see just how devastating this crisis is. We all have at least one significant person in our lives that we could never stand to see suffer, or live with out the one necessity that provides the means to live & be such an important part of our life. While your watching and reading think of that person. How would you feel if he or she did not have access to clean water. Would you donate your "convenience" water.

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This campaign brought clean water to Kerniwaha, Ethiopia.

Well With Hand Pump
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    Barbara Kendall
Past campaigns
This year my Birthday will be celebrated with clean water
Ended Sep 16, 2012
Raised $33