
We know it's important to you that your donation is being used effectively. It's important to us, too. That's why we work hard to receive the highest grades available for accountability and transparency.

Our fiscal year changed: here's what you need to know

In 2023, charity: water changed its financial reporting period from a calendar year to a fiscal year that runs from 10/1 to 9/30 each year. This change is in keeping with best practices for nonprofits of our size and scale and will allow our team to better align strategic planning and operations.

In light of this shift effective 9/30/2023, charity: water filed a short year 990 based on our audited financial statements from 1/1/2023 to 9/30/2023. We received a clean opinion for this period from our auditors, KPMG.

charity: water will post its fiscal year 2023 financial statements and 990 once the fiscal year change is considered complete, after the conclusion of the fiscal year 2024 audit in the Spring of 2025. Fiscal year 2024 reports will be the first set of 12 month reporting available after the fiscal year change, and will allow a complete comparative review of results to prior 12 month reporting periods. We expect to post fiscal year 2024's 990 here by August of 2025, once filed with the IRS. In the interim, our short year fiscal 2023 filing is available upon request at:

Please note that fiscal year 2023 reports reflect a summary of our financial activities for 9 months (from 1/1/2023 to 9/30/2023) and therefore exclude our largest fundraising months of October through December, where we typically realize more than 35% of our revenue. We expect all results to normalize when we return to reporting 12 months of activity on each report.

Launch 2022 in review